1. Title: The Effect of Pressure Injury Assessment Training given by Individual Learning and Group Teaching Methods on the Knowledge and Skill Level of Nursing Students (TDK-2022-7410)
Type: BAP - Ph.D. Thesis Project
Budget: 42,297.65 TL
Duration: 12 months
Start date: 07.01.2022
Research team: Prof.Nurcan Çalışkan (coordinator), Res. Asst. Sinan AYDOGAN
2. Title: The Effect of Virtual Game Simulation on the Diagnosis and Goal Setting of Nursing First Year Students (TDK-2021-7366)
Type: BAP - Ph.D. Thesis Project
Budget: 43,642.97 TL
Duration: 20 months
Start date: 22.11.2021
Research team: Prof.Nurcan CALISKAN (executive), Yadigar ORDU
1. Title: Integration of Technology into Teaching Nursing Skills
Type: TUBITAK 3001 Project
Budget: 84008.00 TL
Duration: 21 months
Start and end date: 01.05.2018-01.02.2020
Research team:
Prof. Zehra Göçmen Baykara (Executive), Prof. Nurcan CALISKAN (Researcher), Prof. Ayişe KARADAĞ (Researcher), Asst. Prof. Deniz ÖZTÜRK (Researcher), Res. Asst. Gülcan EYÜBOĞLU (Scholarship holder), Res. Asst. Evrim EYIKARA (Scholarship holder), Res. Asst. Nevin DOĞAN (Scholarship holder), Res. Asst. Sinan AYDOĞAN (Scholarship holder)
2. Title: Prevalence, Prevention and Recovery of Pressure Injuries A Multicenter Study in Turkey
Type: Semahat Arsel Nursing Education, Application and Research Center (SANERC)
Budget: 49445.5 TL
Duration: 23 months
Start and end date: 24.01.2018 - 30.12.2019
Research team: Prof.Zehra Göçmen Baykara (Executive), Prof.Ayise Karadağ, Prof.Hülya Bulut, Assoc. Dr. Sevil Guler, Asst. Prof. Hatice Karabulut, Asst. Prof. Deniz Öztürk, Res. Asst. Dr. Şenay Gul, Res. Asst. Dr. Dilek Aktaş, Res. Asst. Dr. Pınar Avşar, Res. Asst. Dr. Burcu Duluklu, Asst. Prof. Ali Ay Res. Asst. Sinan Aydogan, Res. Asst. Burcin IRMAK, Derya Karakaya
3. Title: The Effect of Education Given by Mobile Learning Method on Nurses' Learning to Apply Safe Injection to Ventrogluteal Region (47/2019-10)
Type: BAP - Master Thesis Project
Budget: 16,970.00 TL
Duration: 12 months + 6 months
Start and end date: 30.09.2019 - 19.06.2021
Research team: Prof.Nurcan CALISKAN (coordinator), Gamze OZENER
4. Title: The Effect of Pain Education Given to the Patient Before Arthroplasty Surgery on Postoperative Pain Level and Analgesic Use (47/2018-08)
Type: BAP - Master Thesis Project
Budget: 17,020.00 TL
Duration: 15 months
Start and end date: 26.11.2018- 29.07.2019
Research team: Prof.Nurcan CALISKAN (coordinator), Ceyda Su GUNDUZ
Type: BAP
Budget: 12 0000.00 TL
Duration: 2019-2021
Research team:
Type: BAP
Budget: 49,891.68 TL
Duration: 2019-2021
Research team: Prof. Dr. Naime ALTAY, Ozlem MERTER
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